255 ml full fat milk
1 tsp of ground cardamom (I like to grind my own)
60 g unsalted soft butter
1 egg, beaten
500 g plain white flour
15 g dried yeast
70 g raw cane sugar
5 g salt
150 g unsalted soft butter
95 brown sugar
2 tbsp cinnamon (15g)
a pinch of salt
1 egg, beaten
Fine pearl sugar
Sugar syrup (optional)
If you made your buns in advance but want to serve them warm, preheat your oven to 160° and warm them for about 5 minutes or so. The buns will be as if they were freshly baked there and then.
Regula, staat al lang op mijn to do lijstje. Zal er nu eens mijn werk van maken…
Doen Hans!
fabulous!!! will try- love the little knots! the baker in me is excited!
Hope you’ll love them as much as I do!
Hi Regula 🙂
This looks like heaven! Do you think it’s doable to knead the dough without a machine?
I don’t have much experience with doughs so I hope I’ll be able to make this as a “beginner”.
Love Cassandra
I really thought I was the only one no to own a mixer up until recently 😉 Yes of course it is doable 🙂 First rub in the soft butter, or melt the butter, and then start adding the milk in a well. Knead well for about 5 minutes until you have an elastic dough. Don’t use too much flour while kneading. Hope it will work well for you!! Happy baking!
These look wonderful and I also absolutely adore cinnamon buns. Thank you so much for your detailed blog post. I am definitely making these !
Hope you’ll love them as much as I do Terri!
Just made these this morning – my technique could use some work 🙂 but they taste AMAZING. Thank you for this! They will definitely be added to my repertoire after just a few more times for practice…
SO pleased!! I know the knot technique is challenging but the moment it’s perfect you’ll feel so proud of them!!
Prachtige kanelbullar, Regula! Ik hou van warm gebak bij het ontbijt, maar niet van vroeg opstaan 😉 Daarom wil ik proberen de buns in te vriezen na de 2de rijs, zoals je suggereert. Doe je ze dan rechtstreeks uit de diepvries in de oven (zonder ontdooien)? Oven op 200°C? En hoe lang moeten ze ongeveer gebakken worden? Alvast bedankt!
Hoi Annelies, klopt je legt de bevroren buns in de voorverwarmde oven op zelfde temperatuur en even lang(hou ze altijd in het oog, de ene oven is sneller dan de andere) Vergeet ze niet even een laagje eigeel te geven voor een glansje en om de suiker knibs te bevestigen. Je kan ook de buns gewoon helemaal afbakken, invriezen, ze een paar minuutjes laten ontvriezen op de verwarming en ze even 20 seconden verwarmen in de microwave. Geniet ervan!!